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 Shangy (Profil)
 29.11.2016 17:07

Hallo zusammen

Hätte jemand kurz Zeit, um einen English Text durchzulesen?

Schöne Grüsse

 Re: Textlein
 Helikopter (Profil)
 29.11.2016 17:49

Es wĂĽrde schneller und einfacher gehen, wenn du den Trxt direkt hier reinstellen wĂĽrdest

 Re: Textlein
 Shangy (Profil)
 29.11.2016 20:04

Hallo zusammen

Hier wäre noch der englische Text. Hoffentlich hat jemand von euch kurz Zeit, um diesen Text durchzulesen.

Es sollte eine Bedingungsanleitung für ein Spiel sein. Also für den Space Invaders. Kurze eine Erklärung, wie das Spiel funktioniert.

Dieses Game funktioniert genau gleich wie das alte nur der kleine Unterschied ist, dass man anstatt mit den Pfeiltasten mit einem Leuchtstift die Kannone steuert, welche die Aliens abschiesst. Dieses Objekt wird von der Webcam erkennt. In der Applikation sieht man sich selbst sowie die Alien Spaceships und die Kanone.

Hier der englische Text!!!

AR SPACE INVADERS – Save the earth from the aliens in a modernized way and be the hero!
Do you remember this old classic Space Invaders game from your childhood? The old space invaders were not visually stunning like the ones we have today, but they surely were entertaining, guaranteeing endless hours of fun. We will bring a new life to the Space Invaders, which is suitable in this century with the new technology. The idea is very simplistic. You are a cannon who must destroy the alien space ships as they descend from the All. This happen with a web cam, which shows the cannon. And the firebolt, which is a light pen red or blue colour represents the cannon. To win and to be the hero in this game you have to destroy the alien spaceships.

For this game you need a web cam and also a blue or red light pen.

CAUTION: Your firebolt is a light pen, which has the colour of red or blue.

For playing this game you need a web cam and a coloured object, which is named “firebolt”. The most suitable colour for the firebolt is a red or blue light pen. If you open the game, there will be a cannon and a picture of yourself because you are also in the web cam. You have to hold the firebolt in your hand in front of the web cam. The firebolt will be tracked from a red rectangle and then you have to click on the cannon to get start with the game.
1 This is the cannon which shoots every second the fire.
2 You have to hold the firebolt in this rectangle
• If the colour is tracked
o Click with the mouse the cannon
o The game will be start

DON’T PANIK: If the firebolt isn’t recognized by the web cam. Then start the webcam again.

Game Process

1. Getting Start
You have to shoot the moving alien spaceships with the cannon which represents the firebolt.
1 You have got three lives in this game.
2 Here is your game Score. Every time if you destroy an alien spaceships you get points.
3 These are the aliens, which are moving left to right and up down.
4 These are the walls which protects you from the alien spaceships.
5 This is the cannon
o The cannon can only move from right to left or from left to right
o If the alien ships moving to the right. Then You as a cannon have to move to the right. The cannon will automatically shoot every second.
WORST CASE: If your firebolt isn’t recognizable by the web cam. You have got an alternative method. As a substitute of the firebolt are the arrow keys. Steer the cannon with right and the left arrow.

Don’t forget: Ensure you stay alive as long as possible, hide behind the walls.
Tip: Try to blast out whole rows of space invaders at once as it makes it easier to shoot into a crowd rather than pinpoint each individual ship.
2 Ending the Game
If you are tried, then you could press to stop the game.

?:-| :danke:

 Re: Textlein
 Shangy (Profil)
 01.12.2016 12:16


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